To get rid of the Blog bar...

:::Saturday, December 11, 2004:::

[Super tired eyes... @ 2:29 AM]

-=:::ThE ReVoLuTiOn Of WiLsOn...:::=-

Its so late now and I'm still trying to create scroll bars, Covert MP3 into Wav so that it can be played on the website. The problem is that the scrolls don't want to come out, The Sound does not want to load and I am borrowing the sound from my friends site now. Haiz.

I still have started on the puzzle yet!!!! haiz...

Pei Bing is going to work for the whole Sat and Sunday. She is now trying to finish her homework so that she will still be on time. Haiz. She is so tired and she is still trying to finish it. Pei Bing.. Dun tire yourself out please... It hurts me to see you this way. If there is anything that I can help ,Do feel free to ask and I will do my best to help you in it.

::Who is this guy???:: ::My WishList:: ::My Friends:: ::My Image World:: ::Past Blogs:: ::Past Months Blogs:: ::Music Setting::


[x]Music Setting[x]
Kanye West - Gradu...
ThE EvOlUtIoN Of WiLsOn, ThE EvEnTs HaPpEnInG ToDaY, MaRkInG mY PaThS oF ToMoRrOw AnD ThE FuTuRe...