:::Friday, December 10, 2004:::
[Day Reflection... @ 10:27 PM]
-=:::ThE ReVoLuTiOn Of WiLsOn...:::=-
- Breakfast- Lemon Chicken rice ( small one)
- Lunch- Fried Rice( SIM)
- Dinner- Long John Silver (Combo 1)
Feeling like a pig. On top of the Long John Silver's Coke, I drank another can of coke earlier to keep myself awake for my Customer Serivice Communication leature. I drank the coke while waiting for the bus and I told myself to throw the drink away when the driver comes. But I finished it before the driver came. Haiz.. I felt so bloated and so yucky untill I nearly could not eat my Long John Silver Fish and Chips.
The bus ride was a long .... dammm long one. I did some reflection and found out a few stuff... Like...
- I got to stop eating like that. I vow to stop eating all fast food till after exams and do 100 sit up everyday , run 3 times a week and go gym twice a week . I wonder if Pei Bing would be willing to train with me in running. Going to ask her ...
- I tend to pray to god only when I need help and did not place him in happier times. Its like the same problem with Peibing. I deduct that I have the tendency to take things for granted... Haiz... Anyone has any way to solve this problem?
- The same guy who wrote a 2000 word essay stating that the world does not exist and Human have two life forms is taking things for granted? I even question does a tree exist. Haiz Strange personality
- I notice that Yong Wei has passed me alot of stuff which he wants me to take care of them while he is in NS. Hmm.. Since he trust me so much, I better not fail him...
I pray to god to forgive me for not placing him in my life at certain times. I'll do more of that from now on.
[x]My Image World[x]
Can you believe that I finish that amount of Chocolate Love letters in... One afternoon???
This is me.. Me Me Me.... (Agent Smith)
Wallpaper done by her... haiz.
There is the Pizza!!!
241 Pizza.. Yum
Colin Sent this to me
San Dong and Daniel
Daniel say HUH???
Drank all of that...
JX doing Doremom Smile...