To get rid of the Blog bar...

:::Friday, December 10, 2004:::

[God Dammed It @ 4:09 PM]

-=:::ThE ReVoLuTiOn Of WiLsOn...:::=-

I'm now in a mids of a discussion of good customer service when one of my classmate, Hsien Long, started his crappy nonsense by stating of a good example that follows:

"One day, I was shopping for Bra.. " and I shot back at him , " What the hell were you shopping that for?!!!!" His reply was :" I was collecting it... and I was asking for a "Red D-Size cups Bra" As there wasn't any models for B- size, I asked the staff to test it on... And she did that in the middle of the stall, That is good customer service... "

Brzzz..... *Shivers* What am i doing with such a .... monster??


::Who is this guy???:: ::My WishList:: ::My Friends:: ::My Image World:: ::Past Blogs:: ::Past Months Blogs:: ::Music Setting::


[x]Music Setting[x]
Kanye West - Gradu...
ThE EvOlUtIoN Of WiLsOn, ThE EvEnTs HaPpEnInG ToDaY, MaRkInG mY PaThS oF ToMoRrOw AnD ThE FuTuRe...