:::Thursday, December 23, 2004:::
[Camp review ... @ 2:58 PM]
-=:::ThE ReVoLuTiOn Of WiLsOn...:::=-
I really need a break. A fresh start. It seems that I can't even get the objective right anymore. Without an Objective, Any activity goes no where. Its bound to fail if there is no objective and we should work towards that objective.
Second problem . My cadets are just so hook up with their own gang. Shu jian and Zhong Hwee was so neglated while Celeste and gang did their own stuff. We tried to tempt them together by using water bombs but they still did not work together in the end. Haiz.. Another failed atempt.
Even my instructors are also hooking up into their own gang. I had to keep calling meetings to get them together.
It should be when you are hungry and you are going out to buy food, Ask all the instructor.
It should be always in a one group. Get anyone who is not in your group to join your group.
I posted this question to my instructors. If we are going to work with each other and not know the person under the skin, what makes this team substainable when i'm in NS?
Conflicts begains with miscommunication. If we don't know each other well enough, What makes us different from the cadets we keep nagging when we too do the same?
Sexism is still a problem with the instructors and the cadets. Sandong was also quite left out. Despite my attempts to get my instructors together.
It takes two hands to clap. I hope that my meeting yesterday with them would wake them up.
Had a water game with my own instructors after my cadets sleep. It seems that they like to sabo me. hahah Highest rank must sabo attitude. But we get to know some stuff like sandong has a need to do more planning. Jun hao 's idea is to be more of an leaturer than an instructor and many more.
I carry the team with me. Its my wish and its my job. I'm Still here because of them and will always be for they are the people that when I'm in need, They are here for me.
[x]My Image World[x]
Can you believe that I finish that amount of Chocolate Love letters in... One afternoon???
This is me.. Me Me Me.... (Agent Smith)
Wallpaper done by her... haiz.
There is the Pizza!!!
241 Pizza.. Yum
Colin Sent this to me
San Dong and Daniel
Daniel say HUH???
Drank all of that...
JX doing Doremom Smile...