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:::Wednesday, December 15, 2004:::

[Last Night, I gave you my heart. But the very next day, you gave it away.. @ 10:37 PM]

-=:::ThE ReVoLuTiOn Of WiLsOn...:::=-

I had the most wonderful conversation with Pei Bing yesterday. This was the most about of "hee" that she have ever given to me in a day ever since our break up. (I save her name in my phone as Darlz PB Hee... cos she love to hee.. thats one that i like about her... always happy ) I could even play with her (Dottie Monster == yellow duckie).Sad thing was that she still don't want to audio conversation with me. We were suppose to meet today but again changed date. Now its thursday. Wonder if I really will meet her. She wanted to do finish her homework today and I wanted to pei her ... I told her we could still meet up and just do home work.. I really dont mind as long as I get to see her and pei her. Strangly if we were still a couple, she would have readily agreed to the idea for as long as we can meet up, doing anything is not a problem. She said she would be doing her acc. homework. Wonder is it because she is going to meet wen sheng to do the home work or what.

Hope I dun meet anyone call wen sheng for my rest of my life. I will vent all my anger on him... those who name is wen sheng.. .better get ready a christian name or not wait i find out.. You die...

So meeting peibing on thursday. Well, I don't think we are going for a movie as there is really nothing to watch. Unless she really want to watch "christmas with the hanks" Which the reviews said it wasn't very good But I'll watch it to spend time with her. I waiting for the new stephen chow movie to come out. I love his shows...hahah

I met Ginny online yesterday (For Ya Info, Ginny is my beloved cousin who is from demark) and she read my blog. We had a long talk and well... We poured out our feelings and I guess she's right. There are things that cannot be within our control. The ball is now on pei bing court and There is a possibility that its not going to come back. I made my stand very clear.I will not give up. I was telling myself about what would happen if I continue to do chase without limits for the whole day yesterday But I made up my mind that I chose to repent. If she is not going to budge, I still made my side of the deal and all I can do is wish her the best with Wen Sheng.Even thought I don't want to, I cannot undo what was done.

I remembers she told me she rather die as she rather not think of all these issues and I'm forcing her to patch. She wanted to start all over again in the sense of from friends. Its not that I don't want to patch or anything but if we really start from friends. We are never going to be able to patch. I can not show her how it would be if we were back together again. Everything I tried to do something that might be alittle "Sensitive" , She would just "....." and pass it off.

The song that you are hearing from my blog, Its a song when Sasuke( the charactor on the left) died. Right now, In my heart, It feels like that. Its like she died and I'm showing all my emotions to the corpse but there is no way the corpse is going to live and tell me that its alright.


::Who is this guy???:: ::My WishList:: ::My Friends:: ::My Image World:: ::Past Blogs:: ::Past Months Blogs:: ::Music Setting::


[x]Music Setting[x]
Kanye West - Gradu...
ThE EvOlUtIoN Of WiLsOn, ThE EvEnTs HaPpEnInG ToDaY, MaRkInG mY PaThS oF ToMoRrOw AnD ThE FuTuRe...