:::Saturday, April 09, 2005:::
[What a day... @ 1:24 AM]
-=:::ThE ReVoLuTiOn Of WiLsOn...:::=-
Man.. It was a cool day... Woke up at 12 and hey.. had a good rest and a good dream... I find it very interesting.. If I'm not tired and I sleep, my brain still works by making me dream.. hahah ... If its tired.. it will give me a blank sleep...
Hmm.. Did some thinking about the server and wrote some logic codes for writing into the server.. Man.. I'm rather lazy.. No discpline.. Say I should finish the server by today means I should do so.. Grrr.. Hey.. Body... Listen up.. I'm Boss here..not you.. I want you to have more discpline.. Is that clear!!!
After that went to CC to play warcraft.. I'm still bad at it but hey.. I'm with my friends.. I improve my skills... my God bro daniel join me later to play.
Daniel and I went to eat pizza and tok cock at void deck.. hahah... had such good times talking and joking.. I kinda pity the ppl staying upstairs.. cos We were laughing like no body business.. haha.. So cool.. We even ask our officer, Corps SO(4) Wu Minsheng if he wants to come down but too bad he was working.. too bad.. hahah but still cool.. we talk and even exchange ring tones..
Came home and watch sharman king.. I love that anime.. hee...
went to help yue hui with her blog after that.. and Now I am writing my blog.. hahaha
[x]My Image World[x]
Can you believe that I finish that amount of Chocolate Love letters in... One afternoon???
This is me.. Me Me Me.... (Agent Smith)
Wallpaper done by her... haiz.
There is the Pizza!!!
241 Pizza.. Yum
Colin Sent this to me
San Dong and Daniel
Daniel say HUH???
Drank all of that...
JX doing Doremom Smile...