:::Monday, February 28, 2005:::
[FYP ( Programming ) Is finally Over.. @ 4:20 PM]
-=:::ThE ReVoLuTiOn Of WiLsOn...:::=-
Well.. Work overnight to hope to finish my work but ..hmm. Having low productivity.. I was pushing myself.. doing more than I could in a day... In the end, my server is working , my database is working and currently only 2 of the 28 functions on my client side is working... Haiz...
Hate myself for being so slow... Why can't I be faster??? Why has my productivity drop?
I'm always like this.. lose hope at the near end.. where if i really do it. I could make it.. I was just so sick to complete the left over that i gave up.... Why in the hell would I do that??? Anyone can tell me??
I want to thank Melvin and Samuel for helping me over the night and during the entire FYP proces.. Without their support, I would have not even budge... Thanks guys..
Hahah..... went to "Gay" with Jie Xiong today...hahah..(I'm Straight mind you...) Just play around... His friend call me nescafe guy cos I drink coffee.. Whats up with the coffee anyway... I had not enough sleep... of course i would not be able to stay awake and therefore I need the coffee.
Jie Xiong and Hong Ming had a fight yesterday and they are playing cold war now... And I am sitting between them,.... Wonder would they tear off each other heads if i leave . hahah... Hey...Stop reading my blog.!!! Hong Ming..>!!!!! Grrr.. you see, he is sitting beside my playing game and every now and then he pop his head to see what I am doing... *KIcks*
Decided to give my last boost of energy for the last few weeks in school. I want to make sure that I do my report so well enough that I can score and get an A for my FYP...
Lord.. Bless me and guide me to the path of happiness and laughter.. I need to leave the old.. and move on to new heights...
Not much break.. On top of FYP Report, there is Demo , FSF, WISP, CSC assigments and revisions to do for the up comming examinations...
[x]My Image World[x]
Can you believe that I finish that amount of Chocolate Love letters in... One afternoon???
This is me.. Me Me Me.... (Agent Smith)
Wallpaper done by her... haiz.
There is the Pizza!!!
241 Pizza.. Yum
Colin Sent this to me
San Dong and Daniel
Daniel say HUH???
Drank all of that...
JX doing Doremom Smile...