To get rid of the Blog bar...

:::Monday, February 28, 2005:::

[FYP ( Programming ) Is finally Over.. @ 4:20 PM]

-=:::ThE ReVoLuTiOn Of WiLsOn...:::=-

Well.. Work overnight to hope to finish my work but ..hmm. Having low productivity.. I was pushing myself.. doing more than I could in a day... In the end, my server is working , my database is working and currently only 2 of the 28 functions on my client side is working... Haiz...

Hate myself for being so slow... Why can't I be faster??? Why has my productivity drop?

I'm always like this.. lose hope at the near end.. where if i really do it. I could make it.. I was just so sick to complete the left over that i gave up.... Why in the hell would I do that??? Anyone can tell me??

I want to thank Melvin and Samuel for helping me over the night and during the entire FYP proces.. Without their support, I would have not even budge... Thanks guys..

Hahah..... went to "Gay" with Jie Xiong today...hahah..(I'm Straight mind you...) Just play around... His friend call me nescafe guy cos I drink coffee.. Whats up with the coffee anyway... I had not enough sleep... of course i would not be able to stay awake and therefore I need the coffee.

Jie Xiong and Hong Ming had a fight yesterday and they are playing cold war now... And I am sitting between them,.... Wonder would they tear off each other heads if i leave . hahah... Hey...Stop reading my blog.!!! Hong Ming..>!!!!! Grrr.. you see, he is sitting beside my playing game and every now and then he pop his head to see what I am doing... *KIcks*

Decided to give my last boost of energy for the last few weeks in school. I want to make sure that I do my report so well enough that I can score and get an A for my FYP...

Lord.. Bless me and guide me to the path of happiness and laughter.. I need to leave the old.. and move on to new heights...

Not much break.. On top of FYP Report, there is Demo , FSF, WISP, CSC assigments and revisions to do for the up comming examinations...

::Who is this guy???:: ::My WishList:: ::My Friends:: ::My Image World:: ::Past Blogs:: ::Past Months Blogs:: ::Music Setting::


[x]Music Setting[x]
Kanye West - Gradu...
ThE EvOlUtIoN Of WiLsOn, ThE EvEnTs HaPpEnInG ToDaY, MaRkInG mY PaThS oF ToMoRrOw AnD ThE FuTuRe...