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:::Monday, December 13, 2004:::

[Another day has passed... @ 1:16 AM]

-=:::ThE ReVoLuTiOn Of WiLsOn...:::=-

Just Finished my homework. What I have to do now is to do my Practical session that I have missed earlier on this week.

Just now went to HQ to submit the Application forms for BV's Total defence Certification. I was so unwilling to move that I took my bloody own sweet time to get my ass over there. By the time i got there, the gate was closed. I had to scream for uncle to open the door to let me in. HAHA.... What an asshole...

Came home and watch TV( WASTING MY TIME AGAIN!!! BAD TIME MANAGEMENT) and than slumbed up to my room to do my homework. The first one was to write some shit about Stereotyping. For those who don't know what Sterotyping is, It generalising something that would not be true. Like for example, (No hard feelings to all indina friends) my Mother is so racist that she says the indian stinks and she cannot stand taking the bus with them to work everyday. My second homework was my Wireless Technology Tutorial. I took 1 hr just to answer 3 question. I hate myself for being so slow and short concentration span.

My Long lost friend SMS me just now, She was asking me if she should apply a course in poly that she can go in or a course that she wants but have no confidence that she can get in. I told her to apply the course she wants cos its a skill that she is going to live with it for 3 donkey damm years. If She hates the course, she is not going to finish the course.

Peibing finally sms back me, with the reason of Too tired to SMS back again. Oh well, as least she sms back and she is fine which is the most important.

Moony says I am doing the impossible of patching with Pei bing as he thinks that there is no way we 2 could get back together. I told moony that if it was any body else, I would have done so. Its Peibing that we are talking about now. I can tell you that I felt during my Relationship with her that I'm married to her. She is the only girl friend that I have ever done so. I gave my entire life to her . Haiz...

God Help me ....

Saw Celeste blog just now, She said that she felt guity when she PS me to go watch the incredibles first. Well, Not really her fault cos I had lessons at the timing that she wanted to watch. I send her my timetable and told her the next time that if she wants to watch a movie and wants to jio me to watch as well, please refer to my timetable .. hee.. Sounds so bitchy hor... haiz. I really taking my life to whole new level. I seems to be not bothered by anything. Nothing has importance at all..

Peibing.. I need you ...

::Who is this guy???:: ::My WishList:: ::My Friends:: ::My Image World:: ::Past Blogs:: ::Past Months Blogs:: ::Music Setting::


[x]Music Setting[x]
Kanye West - Gradu...
ThE EvOlUtIoN Of WiLsOn, ThE EvEnTs HaPpEnInG ToDaY, MaRkInG mY PaThS oF ToMoRrOw AnD ThE FuTuRe...