To get rid of the Blog bar...

:::Saturday, January 29, 2005:::

[What does it have to hurt so bad?? @ 10:33 PM]

-=:::ThE ReVoLuTiOn Of WiLsOn...:::=-

Well, Today.. Rotted again.. Did alittle bit of work and solved the bug problem that I had.. Well It needs a lot more of testing to get this done..

Saw her online today.. Its became really hard to talk in our conversation any more.. She does not even care... Haiz... do you know it hurts to be treated like that?? How would she know anyway..

::Who is this guy???:: ::My WishList:: ::My Friends:: ::My Image World:: ::Past Blogs:: ::Past Months Blogs:: ::Music Setting::


[x]Music Setting[x]
Kanye West - Gradu...
ThE EvOlUtIoN Of WiLsOn, ThE EvEnTs HaPpEnInG ToDaY, MaRkInG mY PaThS oF ToMoRrOw AnD ThE FuTuRe...