:::Wednesday, January 05, 2005:::
[Traffic jam.. @ 4:13 PM]
-=:::ThE ReVoLuTiOn Of WiLsOn...:::=-
Hmm.. woke up late as usual.. Well.. I slept at 3... which is in improvement cos normally i sleep at 4.. I got to reduce my sleeping time to 12... got to set my bio clock back again.. What was worse was that there was a traffic jam.. it took 20 minutes to get to 4 bus stops.. I was so pissed that I decided to walk.. and sure enough..I was faster than the bus..
Best joke.. My Leaturer was even later than me... hahah Save by the jam.. I made this remark to him that those came after 9 am cannot be considered as late as of the jam and he was not in class..heee.. He agreeed.. Saved.. you see... I haven been able to attend class on time for the whole of this semester.. so If today was also considered late.. I would be liable for expulsion.. hahah... I better tune my bio clock so that I can wake up on time..
Well Today's practical was on Blue tooth..Play around with the blue tooth PDA.. so CoOL.. I also want... but now not worth buying.. I want to save money first.
Well... Had butter rice again for lunch.. After all those exercise , I'm not going to lsoe weight cos I eat such fattening food.. Maybe I should run later... did two days of arm training, should move to legs for a day...
well.. went to office instead of home cos internet is down... I need to do my research on the Tamil tigers in sri lanka... Cos I have to hand in my report on friday.. haiz.. So much kiliings so much hate.. humans... wonder if it was a right decision to place feeling and emotions to humans..
Well.. I'm now gonig to go home and do my report and read the book on leadership cos I have to finish it on sat. than I will also finish my activity flow diagram and do research. I target to finish my paper work by sunday.
[x]My Image World[x]
Can you believe that I finish that amount of Chocolate Love letters in... One afternoon???
This is me.. Me Me Me.... (Agent Smith)
Wallpaper done by her... haiz.
There is the Pizza!!!
241 Pizza.. Yum
Colin Sent this to me
San Dong and Daniel
Daniel say HUH???
Drank all of that...
JX doing Doremom Smile...